Admissions criteria:

Below is a link to the PDF of our admissions criteria.

ETI Inspection:

Below is a link to the PDF of our most recent ETI inspection. 


Pastrol Care Document

Absence of Person in Charge Policy

Absence of staff contingency arrangements policy

Admissions Policy

Anti bullying policy

Business side of playgroup

Child Protection Referral Policy

Complaints and Suggestions Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Consent Policy


Data Protection Policy

Equal opportunities Policy

E-Safety policy

First Aid Policy

Functions and roles of the committee

Health and Safety policy

ICT and Social networking Policy

Infection Control Policy

Infection Control- COVID-19 Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Maintaining equip & resources policy

Management of Emergencies policy

Managing Emergencies Procedures

Medical Emergency Procedures Policy

(1)Parental consent for administration of medicines

Pastoral care policy

Photograph Policy

Promoting Positive behaviour

Risk Assessment Policy

Smoking, Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy

Covid-19 information for parents

Transport Policy

List of Policies

Security of the setting policy

Student and Volunteering Policy

Toilet and Changing Clothes Procedures

Aims of the playgroup

Appraisal Policy

Attendance Policy

Arrivals and Departures Policy

Child Protection and Safe Guarding Policy

Collection - Non Collection arrangements Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Curriculum and planning and evaluation


Document Retention and Information Management Policy

Fees policy

Food and Drink Policy

Fraud Policy

Fundraising Policy

Healthy Eating Policy

Inductions Policy

Lost Child Policy

Observation and record keeping policy

Outdoor Play Policy

Parental partnership policy

Parents Access to Records Policy

Personal Care Policy

Policy statement on race religion and culture

Recruitment and Selection Policy

(2)Administration of medicine permission sheet

Reserves Policy

Play Policy

Reporting Adverse and Untoward Incidents

Sickness & Illness Children's Policy

Special and Additional Needs

Staffing policy

Whistle Blowing Policy

Exclusion of sick children Policy

Settling in policy

Student placement Policy